
Posts Tagged ‘Li Ch’ing-Chao’

This morning I dreamed I followed
widely spaced bills, ringing in the wind,
and climbed through mists to rosy clouds.
I realized my destined affinity
with An Ch’i-sheng the ancient sage.
I met unexpectedly O Lu-hua
the heavenly maiden.

Together we saw lotus roots as big as boats.
Together we ate jujubes as large as melons.
We were the guests of those on swaying Lotus seats.
They spoke in splendid language,
full of subtle meanings.
They argued with sharp words over paradoxes.
We drank tea brewed on living fire.

Although this might not help the Emperor to govern,
it is endless happiness.
The life of men could be like this.

Why did I have to return to my former home,
wake up, dressed, sit in meditation.
Cover my ears to shut out the disgusting racket.
My heart knows I can never see my dream come true.
At least I can remember
that world and sigh.

Li Ching Chao

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Sky links cloud waves, links dawn fog.

The star river is about to turn.

A thousand sails dance.

Li Ch’ing-Chao

from “Where Am I Going?”

(translated by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping)

w/ photos of the Colorado sky at sunrise

by Jane Beal




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